For the most part, this was a fairly normal day. I taught school (
check it out here!), David learned school. We came home. We did, however, make our appearance on the town at Arctic Circle for ice cream. I dressed up all day at school and made David dress up with me to go out to enjoy our frozen treat. Before leaving, we were sitting in our living room, eating dinner, when a knock came at the door. I was ready to get up and answer it, wondering who it could be when David yelled, "You can answer it! We have candy!" It took me a second to realize that it would be bite-sized trick-or-treaters on the opposite side of my door. I made way for David as he bounded to the door only to open it with none other than red and white striped (year-old) candy canes in hand. I couldn't help but leave the room because I was giggling at the sight more than I could contain. We made a mad dash out of there after that.
I am obviously Hermione, one of the greatest witches alive.
David's is harder. He carried around a baton and sheet music, which apparently we did not photograph. He is supposed to be a disturbed composer...
I think however he should have just said he was a BYU-Idaho Music Major. That's what their eyes look like most of the time anyway. :)