David's first Elder's Quorum activity turned out to be a success! We had more than plenty of the delicious Dutch oven chili and a great turn out. We counted about 70 people. We were really grateful to everyone who came and especially to those who brought salads and desserts to share. After dinner and a bit of socializing, everyone helped clean up and we headed off to the Straw Maze. Here are come pictures of our outing:
Jessica & J.T.
Karen & Brandon
J.T. being eaten alive by the straw
Jessica, Denae, & David...J.T. was mysteriously abducted for the last 20 minutes
There were lots of tunnels this year! Scary!
Our new friend, Ralfie
David, Denae, & Ralfie
Nora Beard, Jessica, & J.T.
Devin & Nicole
Brandon & Karen
The brave group we faced the maze with
This camel was huge! I was surprised by how large it was!
After the activity, our little group went back to J.T. and Jessica's place and played a game called BANG! that Devin and Nicole had. It was super fun! It was a great way to spend the night. :)