Monday, October 17, 2011

Random Kindness

Saturday night, David and I went to an organ recital on campus since he has to attend various performances throughout the semester.  We were running a little close on time beforehand, so we called in a take-out order to our favorite:
When we arrived, we made our way quickly up to the front to pay for and pick up our order.  To our astonishment, the girl at the counter informed us that a gentleman had recognized our name and paid for our order as he went through the line earlier.  What a wonderful surprise!  We were so excited to have such a fun random act of kindness befall us!  To the kind mystery gentleman, THANK YOU!

Sunday brought many Priesthood meetings and the annual primary program.  The kids did such a wonderful job.  The theme this year was, "I know the scriptures are true."  I could feel the testimony of these sweet little people.  It was a privilege to work with them as the pianist.
Yes, we are nerds.  Yes, we do often match for church.

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